What Is The Average Price For A Dozen Eggs

How Much a Dozen Eggs Cost the Year You Were Born

The Shocking Truth: Why Egg Prices Have Skyrocketed

In the quaint little town where I reside, the once-affordable carton of eggs has become a luxury item. I remember a time when I could casually add eggs to my weekly grocery list without batting an eye, but those days are long gone. As I stood in the grocery store aisle, contemplating the exorbitant price of a dozen eggs, a pang of disbelief washed over me. How could something so simple and ubiquitous become so unattainable?

My curiosity piqued, I embarked on a journey to unravel the enigma behind the skyrocketing egg prices. My research led me to a labyrinth of factors, from avian influenza to supply chain disruptions, that have coalesced into a perfect storm, driving egg prices to unprecedented heights.

The Avian Influenza Outbreak

In 2022, the United States experienced its deadliest avian influenza outbreak in decades. This highly contagious virus has decimated poultry flocks across the country, leading to a significant reduction in egg production. The loss of millions of laying hens has created a gaping hole in the supply chain, pushing prices upward.

To make matters worse, the outbreak has also disrupted the egg market in other parts of the world, leading to decreased imports and further exacerbating the shortage.

Supply Chain Disruptions

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on global supply chains, and the egg industry is no exception. Labor shortages, transportation delays, and increased input costs have all contributed to the spiraling egg prices.

  • Labor shortages: The pandemic has led to a shortage of workers in the poultry industry, making it difficult to maintain production levels.
  • Transportation delays: Delays in shipping and transportation have made it more expensive and time-consuming to move eggs from farms to grocery stores.
  • Increased input costs: The rising cost of feed, fuel, and other inputs has further squeezed egg producers’ margins.

Other Factors

In addition to the avian influenza outbreak and supply chain disruptions, other factors have also played a role in the increase in egg prices:

  • Increased demand: As consumers become more health-conscious, the demand for eggs has been steadily increasing.
  • Export market: Mexico is a major export market for US eggs, and strong demand from that market has contributed to higher prices domestically.
  • Climate change: Extreme weather events, such as heat waves and droughts, can disrupt egg production and drive up prices.

Tips for Saving on Eggs

While the high cost of eggs may be a blow to our wallets, there are a few tips you can follow to save money:

  • Buy in bulk: If you have the storage space, buying eggs in bulk can save you money in the long run.
  • Shop around: Compare prices at different grocery stores to find the best deals.
  • Use coupons and promotions: Check for coupons and promotions in your local newspaper or online.
  • Substitute eggs: In some recipes, you can substitute other ingredients for eggs, such as applesauce or flaxseed.
  • Raise your own chickens: If you have the space and time, raising your own chickens can be a great way to save money on eggs.

By following these tips, you can minimize the impact of high egg prices on your grocery budget.


Q: Why are eggs so expensive right now?

A: The high cost of eggs is primarily due to the avian influenza outbreak, supply chain disruptions, increased demand, and other factors such as export market and climate change.

Q: Is the avian influenza outbreak over?

A: As of January 2023, the avian influenza outbreak is still ongoing, but the number of cases has decreased significantly.

Q: How long will egg prices remain high?

A: It is difficult to predict how long egg prices will remain high, but industry experts expect prices to start decreasing as the avian influenza outbreak subsides and supply chain issues are resolved.


The skyrocketing price of eggs is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors. The avian influenza outbreak, supply chain disruptions, and other factors have created a perfect storm that has pushed egg prices to unprecedented heights. While the situation is likely to improve in the future, consumers can take steps to minimize the impact on their grocery budgets.

Are you interested in learning more about the factors affecting egg prices? Join the conversation on social media or leave a comment below.

How Much a Dozen Eggs Cost the Year You Were Born
Image: www.thedailymeal.com

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Image: www.forbes.com

Poultry Production News: Year-ending US egg prices may return to normal … Mar 12, 2024The following formula shows how to adjust egg prices for inflation: 1980 Eggs Price x (2022 CPI for Eggs / 1980 CPI for Eggs) = Adjusted Eggs Price in 2022 Dollars. Using the actual numbers: $0.84 x (293.676/88.6) = $2.78. In February, the average price of one dozen Grade A eggs was $2.996, representing a 18.8% increase from the January price